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One Purchase a Year Creates 40,000+ Jobs*

How to Use This Directory of Canada's Finest Products, Made in Canada 

1. By clicking on a category and then a sub-category, the "brand bars" pop out;

2. On the brand bar, a white shopping cart indicates that that the website is e-comm enabled;

3. On the brand bar, a white phone handle indicates phone orders are accepted;

4. On the brand bar, the two block letters show the brand's home province;

5. In the brand's short descriptor, "B2B" means business-to-business, i.e., there are no direct sales to the consumer, but these companies generally list their retailers;

6. Similarly, "MIC" means Made-in-Canada, and if a company's products are not entirely made-in-Canada, we indicate which product lines are made-in-Canada; and

7. When you click on the brand bar or its "down arrow", a graphic drops down, and you can click on the brand's URL at the bottom to go to the brand's website. Close the graphic by clicking on the "up arrow".

*One Purchase a Year Creates 40,000+ Jobs

A recent article estimates that if all Canadians chose to spend just $50 a year on a Canadian-made brand instead of an international "name" brand, then about 40,000 new Canadian jobs would result.